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You can use your favorite drawing programs like Inkscape, Photoshop, Paint, etc. #include #include to do it, just like we did in MS paint.The Adafruit_GFX library is responsible for rendering font. Interfacing Nokia 5110 LCD Display To Arduino In this article, we are publishing a project tutorial which explains different aspects of interfacing a Graphical LCD (GLCD ) Nokia 5110 with Arduino. It was intended originally to be used as a screen for cell phones and was used in lots of mobile phones during the 90’s. Nokia 5110 is a 48 x 84 graphic LCD that has an internal controller PCD8544 to control all displays and operations. While saving the file choose Save as type : Monochrome Bitmap(*.bmp;*.dib). In the first example, we will simply print the data on the Nokia 5110 LCD. The required components for the Nokia 5110 Arduino are as follows. These displays are small, only about 1.5" diameter, but very readable due and comes with a backlight. void setup(){ myGLCD.InitLCD(); myGLCD.setFont(SmallFont); randomSeed(analogRead(7));}Graphics.c file is working with test.ino filevoid loop(){ myGLCD.clrScr(); myGLCD.drawBitmap(0, 0, arduino_logo, 84, 48); myGLCD.update();delay(2000); myGLCD.clrScr(); myGLCD.print("LCD5110_Graph", CENTER, 0); myGLCD.print("DEMO", CENTER, 20); myGLCD.drawRect(28, 18, 56, 28); for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { myGLCD.drawLine(57, 18+(i*2), 83-(i*3), 18+(i*2)); myGLCD.drawLine((i*3), 28-(i*2), 28, 28-(i*2)); } myGLCD.setFont(TinyFont); myGLCD.print("(C)2015 by", CENTER, 36); myGLCD.print("Henning Karlsen", CENTER, 42); myGLCD.update(); delay(5000); myGLCD.clrScr(); for (int i=0; i<48; i+=2) { myGLCD.drawLine(0, i, 83, 47-i); myGLCD.update(); } for (int i=83; i>=0; i-=2) { myGLCD.drawLine(i, 0, 83-i, 47); myGLCD.update(); }for (int i=0; i<25; i++) { myGLCD.clrScr(); myGLCD.drawBitmap(0, i-24, The_End, 84, 24); myGLCD.update(); delay(100); } myGLCD.setFont(SmallFont); myGLCD.print("Runtime (ms):", CENTER, 32); myGLCD.printNumI(millis(), CENTER, 40); myGLCD.update(); for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { myGLCD.invert(true); delay(1000); myGLCD.invert(false); delay(1000); }}for (int pc=0; pc<3; pc++) { pacy=random(0, 28); for (int i=-20; i<84; i++) { myGLCD.clrScr(); for (int p=4; p>((i+20)/20); p--) myGLCD.drawBitmap(p*20-8, pacy+7, pill, 5, 5); switch(((i+20)/3) % 4) { case 0: bm=pacman1; break; case 1: bm=pacman2; break; case 2: bm=pacman3; break; case 3: bm=pacman2; break; } myGLCD.drawBitmap(i, pacy, bm, 20, 20); myGLCD.update(); delay(25); } }Today, I am going to show you how to use Nokia 5110's display with Arduino boards with these easy steps.delay(2000); myGLCD.clrScr(); myGLCD.drawRect(0, 0, 83, 47); for (int i=0; i<48; i+=4) { myGLCD.drawLine(0, i, i*1.75, 47); myGLCD.update(); } for (int i=0; i<48; i+=4) { myGLCD.drawLine(83, 47-i, 83-(i*1.75), 0); myGLCD.update(); }Güzel bir uygulama olmuş, teşekkürler.Reply 4 years agohi, can you launched sensor fluxgate flc100 magnetometr with ardunio and conected to pc wiht bleuthos? Nokia 5110 LCD Module Display Monitor White Backlight Adapter PCB 8448 84x84 Nokia 5110 Screen for Arduino. Module size: 45.2mm x 43.1mm 5. It uses the PCD8544 controller which is a low power CMOS LCD controller/driver. Voltage: 3.3V 4. The Nokia 5110 LCD is very popular among the Arduino tinkerers. Graphics.c file is working with test.ino file. However, more recent versions of the Adafruit GFX library offer the ability to use alternate fonts. Power bank. 37. Mostly the modules do have the pins labeled, though.Parabéns Rui pelas explicações.I have more complete guides for other popular sensors and Arduino modules, check them below:I would double check your LCD pinout from the store that you boughtYou need the following components to make this example:I would be glad if you also could make a guide for the Skylab SKM53 GPS module.The Nokia 5110 LCD is very popular among the Arduino tinkerers.